Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Photo Exhibition "TSUNAMI" in Vienna-2

8月から準備して来た上田聡さんの写真展 "TSUNAMI" を、20111128日から122日まで5日間、ウィーン大学にて開催しました。
The ‘TSUNAMI’ photo exhibition of Satoshi Ueda, planned since August, was held for five days from November 28th to December 2nd, 2011 at Vienna University.

As I was busy teaching Japanese, placing the photographs onto panels and captioning the images with text, I was unsure whether I would have everything by the time we started setting up the exhibition. Fortunately we were able to start setting up by the time the evening of the 25th rolled around as planned.
Following a plan I developed, and helped by 6 people (a teammate and 5 students), we spent that evening setting up the exhibition.

Coincidentally, we ran into a Japanese young man, visiting Vienna University to proliferate Japanese calligraphy on that day. I asked him to write a sign for us that we then placed near the entrance.

On Saturday Mr. Ueda arrived in Wien. On Monday the exhibition began.

On the first day we were busy from the get-go. While we were busy re-taping panels that were falling apart and setting up for display that Japanese flags Mr. Ueda had brought, a journalist from the Austrian broadcast network ORF came by to interview him.  As he was being interviewed with the help of a bilingual teammate, a secretary came by to tell us that Japanese broadcast network NHK’s Vienna division called to request an interview. 

They came by right around the time students of Japanology were let out of class, as NHK wanted to interview as many guests to the exhibition as possible.

Though unfortunately called an exhibition about Fukushima, ORF broadcasted our efforts on the radio that evening. NHK returned that night for a second interview, and reported our efforts at the exhibition on the news the next day in Japan. 

初日は展示と取材の他に、日本学科で上田さんをゲストに「アーティストトーク」というイベントも開催しました。第一部では彼の本業である映像アートの話、第二部ではTears of the Earth Projectと陸前高田の現状について、話していただき、その後展示会に移動して、みんなでワインで乾杯しました。派手なオープニングセレモニーは組めなかったのですが、和気あいあいと歓談できてよかったと思います。
Mr. Ueda participated in an event by the Department of Japanese Studies called “Artistic Talk”. In the first segment he discussed his career as an artistic photographer, in the second he detailed his “Tears of the Earth” Project and the current condition of Rikuzentakata, and finally led everyone to the exhibition for a glass of wine. We weren’t able to an extravagant opening ceremony, but we were glad to host a friendly and welcoming gathering.

While the second day was relatively quiet, as we wrote before, we needed someone to man the exhibition at all points during the day. During the two weeks prior to the exhibition’s opening I requested volunteers to man the exhibition. I was able to get over 25 volunteers from among my teammates and various students to work in shifts manning the exhibition throughout its run. At its longest our day could run from 8 in the morning to 9:30 at night. The exhibition could not have been done without the help of an enormous group of people.



Beyond hosting Mr. Ueda’s photos and profile, the exhibition also displayed newspaper clips from days following the disaster, photos of Rikuzentakata prior to the earthquake and tsunami and explanations of the extent of the damage the city suffered. A section of the exhibition displayed photos of the Tanabata Festival, and explained just how pivotal the festival was to the people of Rikuzentakata and why it was so important the festival somehow be held this year. The visitors took the photos, their explanations, and Mr. Ueda’s looped video message to heart with passion.

会場には募金箱も設置し、上田さんがいる間はTears of the Earthのグッズ(缶バッチ、リストバンドなど)も置き、5日間で600ユーロ余りの募金を集めることができました。
Thanks to a donation box and Mr. Ueda’s “Tears of the Earth” goods (badges, wristbands, etc.), we were able to raise 600 Euros in donations. We asked the students of the Intermediate Japanese level to write down their thoughts on the exhibition for us. “I remembered the shock I received on March 11th. At that time I had no idea how bad things were, but I’m glad I was able to learn more about the affected areas.” “The Austrian media almost never broadcasts anything about the Eastern Japan disaster anymore. After seeing the victims still working so hard to recover, I felt a renewed desire to support their efforts.”, were just some of the heartwarming messages we collected.

YUKA in Vienna, Austria

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