Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two announcements from Austria

I have two announcements from Austria

その1。10月15日にラジオの国営放送第一(ORF1)で「Ausser Kontrolle(制御不能)-- 私達の時代の生活」という番組が放送され、それに私も少々インタビュー出演しました。
いつもSAVE TAKATAを応援してくれるユーディットに感謝です!

1. On October 15th a program called “Ausser Kontrolle (Out of Control)—How Our Era Lives” was broadcast on the National Radio 1 (ORF1), on which I had previously been interviewed.
This roughly 100 minute program discusses the ongoing financial crisis and public unrest among other global issues; my friend Ms. Judith Brandner oversees all parts of the program that touch on Japan, and she interviewed me in September.
While the primary focus was the Fukushima radiation controversy, my discussion of what I had seen this past summer at Rikuzen-Takata was also broadcast, and they even provided information on the “TSUNAMI” photo exhibition to be opened this November in Vienna.
Thanks so much to Judith for always supporting SAVE TAKATA!

その2。11月初旬にオーストリア国内のWels という町で「music unlimited」というジャズフェスティバルが開かれます。今年は第25回で、ドイツのミュージシャンPeter Broetzmannをメインに据えたイベントになるようですが、そのBroetzmannの意向により、11月6日には米国シカゴのChicago Tentetというグループが日本人ミュージシャンを招いて4つのライブを行う、Fukushima Specialというチャリティーイベントも行われます。
その際、会場に写真家の上田聡さんが撮った陸前高田の写真も展示され、チャリティーイベントの収益金はSAVE TAKATAに送ってもらえることになりました。
「Fukushima Specialなのに、SAVE TAKATAがもらっていいのだろうか?」とも思いましたが、主催者は「3.11後の日本の復興に有効に役立ててもらえるならいい」という考えのようです。これについては、また開催後に改めてご報告いたします。

2. In the Austrian town of Wels, the 25th annual jazz festival “music unlimited” will be held early this November. While the festival proper will center on German musician Peter Broetzmann, there will also be a charity event consisting of four live concerts held on the 6th entitled the “Fukushima Special” featuring the American group Chicago Tentet with select, invited Japanese musicians in tow, at Broetzmann’s behest.  
During the event, pictures of Rikuzen-Takata taken by photographer Satoshi Ueda will be displayed, and all proceeds will go directly to SAVE TAKATA.
At first I wondered whether it was alright for SAVE TAKATA to be taking the money given that it was called “Fukushima Special”, but the sponsor responded, “As long as it goes toward Japan’s recovery following March 11th, it’s fine”. I’ll tell you more about this after the event has begun.

YUKA in Vienna, Austria

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