Monday, June 27, 2011

Presentation in Linz, Austria

初めまして、YUKAと申します。本業はウィーン大学の日本語教師で、SAVE TAKATA国際連携チームの一員として活動しています。
Hallo! My name is Yuka. I am a Japanese teacher at the University Vienna and a member of International Outreach Team of SAVE TAKATA.
On June 20th, I made a presentation in Linz, the third-largest city in Austria which is located 190km west of Vienna.

My friend Judith, a journalist specializing in Japanese society and culture, published a book about contemporary Japan in March and she was invited to Linz for a lecture and a presentation of the book. And she gave me the opportunity to introduce our projects after her presentation.

講演の主催者はKepler Salon(ケプラー・サロン)。ヨーロッパに長年住んでいても今まで「サロン」とは縁がありませんでした。ケプラーサロンは出版社も兼ねている文化サロンで、週に1、2度さまざまなジャンルの文化人を招いて話を聞いたりディスカッションをしたりしているようです。
The lecture was organised by Kepler Salon. I´ve been living for a long time in Europe, but I´ve never been to a "salon". Kepler Salon is a culture salon in combination with a publisher, and invites people of culture once or twice a week and organises lectures and discussions.

The salon located in a historical building in the old town of Linz. A red-white flag at the entrance indicates that it is a cultural heritage object: Johannes Kepler, the famous German astronomer lived in this building in the early 17th century.

When we arrived 30 minutes before the start of lecture, already about 20 persons, who looked like regular customers were there, reading newspapers or talking, drinking wine or mineral water.

客席の後ろにはビデオカメラが…。この講演を録画してBildungs TVという高校の先生たちのためのインターネットテレビで放送するのだと聞いたのは、会場に行ってからでした。(汗)
Behind the audience seats was a video camera. I learned for the first time that the lecture would be recorded for internet TV named "Bildungs TV" for teachers of high schools. 

19時スタート。ホストによる紹介、現在の日本に関するユーディットの講演、著書の一部の朗読、会場の人たちとの質疑応答に続き、開始50分すぎから10分ほど、私が陸前高田とSAVE TAKATAを紹介する時間がもらえました。陸前高田が日本のどこに知らない人達がほとんど。当然です。私だって7年前に宮城と岩手の従姉たちとキャンプに行くまで知りませんでした。
高田が津波でどんな被害を受けたのか、3か月経ってどんな状況なのか、SAVE TAKATAは今まで何をしてきて、これから何をして行こうとしているのか…私なりに必死に説明して来ました。
The lecture started at 19:00. After the host had introduced us, Judith gave her presentation about contemporary Japan, read parts of her book and answered questions of audience. Thereafter I had about 10 minutes to introduce Rikuzentakata and SAVE TAKATA. Hardly anybody in the audience knew where Rikuzentakata is located. No wonder, even I myself din´t know Takata until I went there in 2003 for camping with my cousins living in Miyagi and Iwate.
I tried to explain that tsunami on March 11 destroyed the city of Takata completely, described the current situation and gave an outline of what SAVE TAKATA did so far to support the victims and what it plans to do in the future.

There were about 50 participants in the audience and I had the impression that most of them were listening carefully to my presentation. But as soon as the host marked the end of lecture at 20:45, almost all people went home immediately like an ebbing tide.
Wait a moment! I wanted to give you a flyer and ask for a donation.

私はおまけの立場なので開始前にフライヤーを配るのはためらわれたし、カメラも回っていたので、SAVE TAKATA紹介直後に募金箱を出すのもまずいと思ったんですが、出遅れたかも。私の方だけではなく、残ってユーディットともっと話そうという人や、その場で彼女の著書を買おうという人もほとんどいなくて、二人で呆然。
I wasn´t able to distribute flyers before the lecture, because I wasn´t the main lecturer. And I thought I shouldn´t show the donation box with the logo of SAVE TAKATA during the presentations, but now it was to late. Result: No flyers distributed, no donations collected. But nobody came to Judith to discuss with her or to buy her book either. We were staggered.

When I raised money for the victims of disaster in Japan in March and April in Vienna together with my co-workers and students (in combination with Austrian Red Cross), many people donated much money. But the situation is changing and we have to devise new/different ways of asking for donations in foreign countries.
So I was not able to collect much money on that day, but at least I learned something. 

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