Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Photo Exhibition "TSUNAMI" in Vienna-2

8月から準備して来た上田聡さんの写真展 "TSUNAMI" を、20111128日から122日まで5日間、ウィーン大学にて開催しました。
The ‘TSUNAMI’ photo exhibition of Satoshi Ueda, planned since August, was held for five days from November 28th to December 2nd, 2011 at Vienna University.

As I was busy teaching Japanese, placing the photographs onto panels and captioning the images with text, I was unsure whether I would have everything by the time we started setting up the exhibition. Fortunately we were able to start setting up by the time the evening of the 25th rolled around as planned.
Following a plan I developed, and helped by 6 people (a teammate and 5 students), we spent that evening setting up the exhibition.

Coincidentally, we ran into a Japanese young man, visiting Vienna University to proliferate Japanese calligraphy on that day. I asked him to write a sign for us that we then placed near the entrance.

On Saturday Mr. Ueda arrived in Wien. On Monday the exhibition began.

On the first day we were busy from the get-go. While we were busy re-taping panels that were falling apart and setting up for display that Japanese flags Mr. Ueda had brought, a journalist from the Austrian broadcast network ORF came by to interview him.  As he was being interviewed with the help of a bilingual teammate, a secretary came by to tell us that Japanese broadcast network NHK’s Vienna division called to request an interview. 

They came by right around the time students of Japanology were let out of class, as NHK wanted to interview as many guests to the exhibition as possible.

Though unfortunately called an exhibition about Fukushima, ORF broadcasted our efforts on the radio that evening. NHK returned that night for a second interview, and reported our efforts at the exhibition on the news the next day in Japan. 

初日は展示と取材の他に、日本学科で上田さんをゲストに「アーティストトーク」というイベントも開催しました。第一部では彼の本業である映像アートの話、第二部ではTears of the Earth Projectと陸前高田の現状について、話していただき、その後展示会に移動して、みんなでワインで乾杯しました。派手なオープニングセレモニーは組めなかったのですが、和気あいあいと歓談できてよかったと思います。
Mr. Ueda participated in an event by the Department of Japanese Studies called “Artistic Talk”. In the first segment he discussed his career as an artistic photographer, in the second he detailed his “Tears of the Earth” Project and the current condition of Rikuzentakata, and finally led everyone to the exhibition for a glass of wine. We weren’t able to an extravagant opening ceremony, but we were glad to host a friendly and welcoming gathering.

While the second day was relatively quiet, as we wrote before, we needed someone to man the exhibition at all points during the day. During the two weeks prior to the exhibition’s opening I requested volunteers to man the exhibition. I was able to get over 25 volunteers from among my teammates and various students to work in shifts manning the exhibition throughout its run. At its longest our day could run from 8 in the morning to 9:30 at night. The exhibition could not have been done without the help of an enormous group of people.



Beyond hosting Mr. Ueda’s photos and profile, the exhibition also displayed newspaper clips from days following the disaster, photos of Rikuzentakata prior to the earthquake and tsunami and explanations of the extent of the damage the city suffered. A section of the exhibition displayed photos of the Tanabata Festival, and explained just how pivotal the festival was to the people of Rikuzentakata and why it was so important the festival somehow be held this year. The visitors took the photos, their explanations, and Mr. Ueda’s looped video message to heart with passion.

会場には募金箱も設置し、上田さんがいる間はTears of the Earthのグッズ(缶バッチ、リストバンドなど)も置き、5日間で600ユーロ余りの募金を集めることができました。
Thanks to a donation box and Mr. Ueda’s “Tears of the Earth” goods (badges, wristbands, etc.), we were able to raise 600 Euros in donations. We asked the students of the Intermediate Japanese level to write down their thoughts on the exhibition for us. “I remembered the shock I received on March 11th. At that time I had no idea how bad things were, but I’m glad I was able to learn more about the affected areas.” “The Austrian media almost never broadcasts anything about the Eastern Japan disaster anymore. After seeing the victims still working so hard to recover, I felt a renewed desire to support their efforts.”, were just some of the heartwarming messages we collected.

YUKA in Vienna, Austria

Friday, November 18, 2011

A photo exhibition of Satoshi Ueda at a charity consert in Wels

2011116日にオーストリアの地方都市ヴェルズで、日本の3.11被災者を支援するチャリティーコンサートが開かれました。これは同市で3日間にわたって開催されたジャズフェスティバル「music unlimited 25」の特別イベントとして企画されたもので、タイトルは「Fukushima Special」ですが、開催準備の過程で収益金の半分はSAVE TAKATAを通して、陸前高田のために寄付してもらえることになりました。
そして津波の被害を知ってもらうために、ウィーンで開催する写真展「TSUNAMI」に先駆け、上田聡さんのTears of the Earth Projectの写真を、会場入口に展示することになりました。

On November 6th, a charity concert supporting the victims of the March 11th tsunami in Japan was held in the Austrian city of Wels. Originally a special event entitled the “Fukushima Special” that was part of the larger, three-day Jazz festival “music unlimited 25”, arrangements reached in the development of the event ensured that half of the proceeds would go to SAVE TAKATA in support of Rikuzen-Takata.
And, to better spread knowledge of the tsunami’s devastation, photos from Satoshi Ueda’s “Tears of the Earth Project” will be displayed at the entrance to the concert as an introduction of the photo exhibition “TSUNAMI” to be held in Wien.

写真は大小15枚のパネルに仕上げて届け、あとは当日様子を見がてらコンサートを聞きに行こうかな…という軽い気持ちでいたら、主催者から「SAVE TAKATAのメンバーとしてコンサート開始前に壇上で一言挨拶してくれ」と言われてしまいました。
SAVE TAKATA国際連携チームの活動は未経験のことが続きますが、やるしかありません。    

After delivering fifteen photos I mounted on panels, I originally thought that I would just drop in to the concert for a listen. But then the orchestrator asked me to greet the crowd as a member of SAVE TAKATA.  So I ended up greeting a crowd of over 250 people on stage in German!
SAVE TAKATA International Outreach Team’s work is filled with new and unfamiliar experiences, but it must be done.

PROJECT FUKUSHIMA!の共同代表の大友良英さんとコンサート前に打ち合わせ。大友さんはミュージシャンとしてコンサートにも参加。

Meeting with Yoshihide Otomo of PROJECT FUKUSHIMA!’s Executive Committee before the concert. He also participated in the concert as a musician.

大友さん挨拶中。私はすでに挨拶を終えて後ろに控えています。1、2分でということだったので、簡単に陸前高田とSAVE TAKATAの紹介をして、謝礼の言葉を述べました。

Mr. Otomo greeting the crowd. My part finished, I’m already waiting behind him. I only had a minute or two, so I briefly spoke about Rikuzen-Takata and SAVE TAKATA, and said a quick thank-you.


This Jazz Festival also celebrated the 70th birthday of the German freeform jazz world’s premier Peter Brötzmann. This charity concert was also apparently his idea.

コンサートはブロッツマンと米国のChicago Tentetという10人グループに、4人の日本人ミュージシャンが順番に参入する4部構成で、その4人も近藤等則、八木美知依、大友良英、坂田明という世界で活躍している豪華な面々。とてもエキサイティングなライブで、観客もみんな満足していたと思います。

The concert took place in four parts, with performances by Brötzmann, the ten-piece American group “Chicago Tentet” and Japanese musicians Toshinori Kondo, Michiyo Yagi, Yoshihide Otomo, and Akira Sakata. It was an exciting performance by world-famous musicians, one that I think everyone in the audience enjoyed.



As for the photo exhibition, before the concert began, people were busy chatting, buying tickets and lining up for good seats, and it seemed that not many people paid the photos much attention. But after the concert, thanks to the time I was given to introduce the exhibit, many people took their time to examine the photos.

この日の合計収益はまだ報告を受けていませんが、約250人が払った20ユーロの入場料を全部、福島と陸前高田支援に使ってくれるそうで、とてもありがたいことです。また、上田さんの写真を見たり、PROJECT FUKUSHIMA!のパンフレットを読んだりして、オーストリアの人々が東北で頑張っている人たちのことに関心を持ってくれたらうれしいなと思います。

While we don’t know how much the concert brought in, we are very grateful that every cent of the 20 euros each of the 250 guests paid will go toward supporting Rikuzen-Takata and Fukushima. We also hope that the people of Austria, in seeing Mr. Ueda’s pictures and reading PROJECT FUKUSHIMA! pamphlets, will develop a keener interest in the efforts and trials of the people of Northeastern Japan.

YUKA in Vienna, Austria

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two announcements from Austria

I have two announcements from Austria

その1。10月15日にラジオの国営放送第一(ORF1)で「Ausser Kontrolle(制御不能)-- 私達の時代の生活」という番組が放送され、それに私も少々インタビュー出演しました。
いつもSAVE TAKATAを応援してくれるユーディットに感謝です!

1. On October 15th a program called “Ausser Kontrolle (Out of Control)—How Our Era Lives” was broadcast on the National Radio 1 (ORF1), on which I had previously been interviewed.
This roughly 100 minute program discusses the ongoing financial crisis and public unrest among other global issues; my friend Ms. Judith Brandner oversees all parts of the program that touch on Japan, and she interviewed me in September.
While the primary focus was the Fukushima radiation controversy, my discussion of what I had seen this past summer at Rikuzen-Takata was also broadcast, and they even provided information on the “TSUNAMI” photo exhibition to be opened this November in Vienna.
Thanks so much to Judith for always supporting SAVE TAKATA!

その2。11月初旬にオーストリア国内のWels という町で「music unlimited」というジャズフェスティバルが開かれます。今年は第25回で、ドイツのミュージシャンPeter Broetzmannをメインに据えたイベントになるようですが、そのBroetzmannの意向により、11月6日には米国シカゴのChicago Tentetというグループが日本人ミュージシャンを招いて4つのライブを行う、Fukushima Specialというチャリティーイベントも行われます。
その際、会場に写真家の上田聡さんが撮った陸前高田の写真も展示され、チャリティーイベントの収益金はSAVE TAKATAに送ってもらえることになりました。
「Fukushima Specialなのに、SAVE TAKATAがもらっていいのだろうか?」とも思いましたが、主催者は「3.11後の日本の復興に有効に役立ててもらえるならいい」という考えのようです。これについては、また開催後に改めてご報告いたします。

2. In the Austrian town of Wels, the 25th annual jazz festival “music unlimited” will be held early this November. While the festival proper will center on German musician Peter Broetzmann, there will also be a charity event consisting of four live concerts held on the 6th entitled the “Fukushima Special” featuring the American group Chicago Tentet with select, invited Japanese musicians in tow, at Broetzmann’s behest.  
During the event, pictures of Rikuzen-Takata taken by photographer Satoshi Ueda will be displayed, and all proceeds will go directly to SAVE TAKATA.
At first I wondered whether it was alright for SAVE TAKATA to be taking the money given that it was called “Fukushima Special”, but the sponsor responded, “As long as it goes toward Japan’s recovery following March 11th, it’s fine”. I’ll tell you more about this after the event has begun.

YUKA in Vienna, Austria

Monday, September 26, 2011

Photo Exhibition "TSUNAMI" in Vienna-1

みなさんは、陸前高田出身の写真家&マルチメディアアーティスト上田聡さんのTears of The Earthというプロジェクトをご存知でしょうか。このプロジェクトは国内外で「東北支援写真展 TSUNAMI」という展示会を開き、そこで集まったメッセージや寄付を陸前高田市に届けています。

Have you heard of a project called "Tears of The Earth" by the photographer and multimedia artist Satoshi Ueda, who was born in Rikuzen Takada?  Through this project he has opened his exhibit, called "TSUNAMI: a Photo Exhibition for the Recovery of the Tohoku" in Japan and abroad.  He sends the donations and messages it generates to Rikuzen-Takata.


I am making plans and preparations to open this exhibit in Vienna, but have never worked on this type of project before and nothing is going smoothly.  Fortunately, I have received permission to hold the exhibit at the University of Vienna, where I work as a lecturer.  The exhibit will be held on the university's AAKH campus and will run for 5 days from November 28th to December 2nd.

写真展が開かれる建物は大きい講義室が2つ入っている近代的な建物です。毎日何百人もの学生が出入りするオープンな場所だという長所がある一方で、展示物のセキュリティー管理のため(コンピューターかDVDプレイヤーも使用します)、建物が開いている間中(日に10-14時間)、常に誰かがいないといけないので大変です。いろいろと課題は多いですが、頑張ります。ウィーンでの展示会ではSAVE TAKATAのプロジェクトも紹介する予定です。

The location for the exhibit is a modern building containing two large lecture rooms, which will allow hundreds of students to view the exhibit daily.  However, this requires someone to be present constantly for security purposes (the exhibit uses computers and DVD players) during all the 10-14 hours the exhibit is open each day.  It will be a lot of work, but I am looking forward to a successful exhibit.  I am also planning to present the "SAVE TAKATA" project as well.

YUKA  in Vienna, Austria

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

エンゾーさん陸前高田訪問 / Enzo came back to Rikuzentakata

チームディレクター 関です。

8月30日、元 陸前高田のALT(英語教師)エンゾー・カッファレッリさんを現地案内しました。
We took Enzo Caffarelli, A former ALT of Rikuzentakata around the city on August 30th.


Detailed article in English is :

Below is a message video from Enzo.

Hitomi Seki
Leader of IOT

Monday, August 22, 2011

フランスよりチャリティーコンサートの御報告:Concert solidalité pour Japon



当日は、約80人入る市の公民館が早くから一杯になり、SAVE TAKATAから送ってもらった資料や写真を熱心に見入る人が多かったです。
開始前には、陸前高田市や日本の現在の状況、日本に寄せられる寄付の状況、私たちがなるべく地元に密着した顔の見える組織に支援したいということでSAVE TAKATAを選んだ経緯などを説明し、今回のチャリティーには、陸前高田市の伝統芸能である太鼓フェスティバルへの援助も含んでいることも述べて会場の賛同を得ました。


プログラムは、古楽科の小さい生徒が何人か演奏した後、私たち上級クラスのソロやアンサンブル、加えて特別にクラリネットのクラスの日本人のデュオにも参加してもらいました。 途中に震災にあった日本在住のフランス人女性の文章の朗読や、日本語を聴きたい、という要望に応えて宮沢賢治の「やまなし」の一部を、バロックチェロと即興セッションで朗読したりと、盛りだくさんなコンサートになり、大盛況のうちに終了しました。


                Clarinette : Yuka, Sakiko
        Département musique ancienne
                Flûte à bec : Isaura, Sarah, Théo, Florian et Guillaume
                Haubois baroque : Cécile et Angélique
                Violoncelle baroque : Antoine
               Clavecin : Lucie, Sofiane, Vincent, Kunio et Tomoko
           Les professeurs : Michèle(clavecin), Alexandre(basson baroque) et Jean-Pierre(flûte à bec)

 Le 11 juin 2011, il y a eu un concert solidalité pour Japon organisé par Département musique ancienne de conservatoire de la Vallée de Chevereuse (à Orsay, Essonne). Heureusement, "Polyphonia",association des parents des élèves qui s'est occupé tous.

La salle (80per. de capacité) était presque pleine, les informations et les photos de RikuzenTakata ont sucsité un intérêt profond.  J'ai expliqué la situation de cette ville qui a été 70% détruite,puis la situation actuelle au Japon en informant que nous pourrons faire les dons diréctement à l'association SAVE TAKATA qui est entièrement liée avec la ville RikuzenTakata.

Les musiciens sont les élèves de la département musique ancienne (principalement dans le cycle spécialisé) , un duo de clarinettistes japonaises, et les profs. Il y avait aussi une petite lecture de la lettre d'une française qui vit dans la région Tohoku, puis, l'improvisation de lecture+violoncelle sur un conte japonais(en japonais!) à la demande générale.

Comme la sitiation de RikuzenTakata attirait beaucoup de gens, nous avons eu plus de 1000euros de dons finalement!!

        Petit mots par présidente de Polyphonia.....


     from the association POLYPHONIA in Orsay (France, near from Paris), association of the students, parents and friends of the Music School of the Vallée de Chevreuse. We helped Tomoko HIRADE, Japanese student at the Dept of Ancient Music of the school, organizing a local concert in June to support your association SAVE TAKATA and so, at our very modest level, express our solidarity with the Japanese People.

We collected 1122 euros at that concert full of emotion (during which Tomoko shared with us a little bit of your marvelous culture and traditions).


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

元ALT招待プログラム その後 / Invitation program for former ALTs coming to Takata: now

国際連携チームディレクター 関です。

About the support project for ex-ALTs visiting Rikuzentakata I introduced a few weeks ago, after that I figured out that none of participants for this program is coming to Rikuzentakata.
It seems applicants were so many just a few of them was chosen.

彼らのために、SAVE TAKATAとして何ができるか、改めて考えていきます。
But still, former ALTs who used to living in Rikuzentakata have strong intentions to visit there.
We are now thinking anew about what SAVE TAKATA can do for them.

We will keep you posted of updates of this project. Thank you!

Leader of IOT