Monday, September 26, 2011

Photo Exhibition "TSUNAMI" in Vienna-1

みなさんは、陸前高田出身の写真家&マルチメディアアーティスト上田聡さんのTears of The Earthというプロジェクトをご存知でしょうか。このプロジェクトは国内外で「東北支援写真展 TSUNAMI」という展示会を開き、そこで集まったメッセージや寄付を陸前高田市に届けています。

Have you heard of a project called "Tears of The Earth" by the photographer and multimedia artist Satoshi Ueda, who was born in Rikuzen Takada?  Through this project he has opened his exhibit, called "TSUNAMI: a Photo Exhibition for the Recovery of the Tohoku" in Japan and abroad.  He sends the donations and messages it generates to Rikuzen-Takata.


I am making plans and preparations to open this exhibit in Vienna, but have never worked on this type of project before and nothing is going smoothly.  Fortunately, I have received permission to hold the exhibit at the University of Vienna, where I work as a lecturer.  The exhibit will be held on the university's AAKH campus and will run for 5 days from November 28th to December 2nd.

写真展が開かれる建物は大きい講義室が2つ入っている近代的な建物です。毎日何百人もの学生が出入りするオープンな場所だという長所がある一方で、展示物のセキュリティー管理のため(コンピューターかDVDプレイヤーも使用します)、建物が開いている間中(日に10-14時間)、常に誰かがいないといけないので大変です。いろいろと課題は多いですが、頑張ります。ウィーンでの展示会ではSAVE TAKATAのプロジェクトも紹介する予定です。

The location for the exhibit is a modern building containing two large lecture rooms, which will allow hundreds of students to view the exhibit daily.  However, this requires someone to be present constantly for security purposes (the exhibit uses computers and DVD players) during all the 10-14 hours the exhibit is open each day.  It will be a lot of work, but I am looking forward to a successful exhibit.  I am also planning to present the "SAVE TAKATA" project as well.

YUKA  in Vienna, Austria

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

エンゾーさん陸前高田訪問 / Enzo came back to Rikuzentakata

チームディレクター 関です。

8月30日、元 陸前高田のALT(英語教師)エンゾー・カッファレッリさんを現地案内しました。
We took Enzo Caffarelli, A former ALT of Rikuzentakata around the city on August 30th.


Detailed article in English is :

Below is a message video from Enzo.

Hitomi Seki
Leader of IOT